Unlock the real value of Elasticsearch Service on AWS
Trust your mission critical workloads to operate at petabyte scale. Build your solutions to your specifications. Achieve visibility across your entire AWS environment. Accomplish more with machine learning.
Purchase this listing from Elastic in AWS Marketplace using your AWS account. In AWS Marketplace, you can quickly launch pre-configured software with just a few clicks. AWS handles billing and payments, and charges appear on your AWS bill.

With Elastic Cloud on AWS, Smarter City Solutions ensures seamless customer experience.
Watch the videoDownload this detailed overview for how to configure Elastic Observability, with different AWS services, to monitor the health and performance of your environment.
Download the ebookMigrate to the official managed Elasticsearch offering on AWS with exclusive integrations and expert support.
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Learn how organizations benefited from migrating to Elastic Cloud.
Customer spotlight
After switching to Elastic Cloud from FAST ESP, Guidestar by Candid went from managing their clusters on a daily basis to checking cluster health once a month.
Customer spotlight
OLX got started in a few minutes with billing flowing through their existing AWS account. OLX continued to prove out the solution with Elastic Cloud using this flexible, pay-as-you-go model.
Customer spotlight
With Elastic Cloud on AWS, Smarter City Solutions was able to ensure visibility across their application stack and deliver a predictable experience to their customers.
Available worldwide
Elastic and AWS currently serve many regions globally. Plus, we're adding new regions all the time.